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  • Writer's picturePursue Her Passion in STEM

Develop Your Passion in STEM!

STEM consists of four categories: Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math. There are so many careers and majors that all fit under these four initials. Stanford research shows that the best way to “find your passion” is to develop it! You have to continuously work on it and spend time doing so. How do you this?

Try new things that relate to things YOU like! You may be curious about robotics or the environment so the only way to find your passion is to try it out. There are many classes available (including my own + it's free!) that you can register for. You can find a group of people that are interested in the same things as you are. Join clubs, organizations, and go to conferences to spark your interest.

Build your mindset! Everyone can pursue their passion in STEM regardless of gender, race, and religion. Look at all the accomplishments women have made in STEM and get yourself excited about the potential you have. Check out my spotlight series for interviews with STEM professionals and read/listen about their journeys and advice!

You may run into obstacles, but keep moving forward, and don't give up. You may not like a class you tried but instead of getting discouraged, try something else! Do not be limited by gender-stereotypes that have existed in many STEM fields, keep pursuing your passion. You have potential to do great things!

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